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One of Doshu's earliest Disciples and strongest Budokan supporters of well over 50 years, started his Karate career in 1964 at one of Budokan South Africa's first dojo in the small town of Pinetown, Natal.
Under the guidance of Doshu and with dedicated training he in a short time proved he was to become a major player in Budokan SA and as Doshu once commented, "He was one of the finest technicians I ever trained". In the contest arena he proved himself by representing his Province of Natal on many occasions and winning the Shukokai Senior Kata Championship three years in a row. He eventually became a Senior Sensei within Budokan SA travelling and teaching full time in many of the dojo across the country.
In a break from Karate he proved his determination to excel in whatever he undertook and completed the very challenging International "Two Oceans Road Marathon" which runs between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans around Cape Town and then he went on to complete in "two" of the World Famous Mega "Comrades Marathon", said to be one of the toughest road races in the world, both proud achievements..,
Today he is working alongside his friend of a lifetime, Kyoshi David Passmore in the development of our BUDOKAN WORLD.

Written, Designed and Produced by

© David & Katy Passmore 2025

All rights reserved in all media

Saisho Sensei

First Teacher


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Strong in Hand, Kind in Heart

Kokoro ni Tsuyoi te

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