Budokan exists as a constituted organisation since 1970 to promote the development of traditional Japanese Budo in the UK and Europe.
Budokan is responsible for the implementation of a teaching syllabus in the various Dojo or locations, where this syllabus is taught.
Budokan confers the right of recognised and appointed instructors within each of these recognised Dojo to teach this syllabus as set down by David Passmore the Founder of Budokan UK.
The disciplines taught are Aikido, Iaido, Karatedo and Zen - which means editation.
Prospective students come to us for a variety of reasons, and every one of them is encouraged to come to any of our dojo to meet us and see what we do. It is here at this introductory meeting, that a class can be observed and questions can be answered. We explain how we work, our fee structure, how gradings are conducted and introduce you to some of the students present, so that prospective students can get a “feel” for how things are done.
Budokan reserves the right to reject any membership application made to it and further to reserve the right to discipline any member for unacceptable behaviour, in any way it deems appropriate.
We have been in existence in the UK for 52 years and have never refused an application.
Anyone interested in joining Budokan is encouraged to come for a few classes of practice and training, before a decision is made to become a member.
Clothing in the form of a Gi is available for these classes to those who wish to take advantage of this offer, prior to buying their own.
Classes Each class is taught in such a way, so as to appeal to both the beginner and advanced student alike.
Duration Each class lasts around one and a half hours.
Eating Please ensure that meals are not taken at least 2 hours before undertaking any training.
The full annual membership fee is £50.00 and is payable during the month of January every year.
The annual membership fee or part thereof (if joining later in the year) is payable 1 month after commencing classes.
Membership Entitlements
Classes in Traditional Japanese Budo
Events, Seminars and Workshops take place at various times and locations each year.
Budokan teaching and philosophy
Kyu and Dan Grading Accreditation
Entitles members to be graded according to the training schedule laid down by Budokan and to receive certification accordingly.
Registration and recognition of Dan Grades and Titles by Dai Nippon Butokukai (DNBK) - in Kyoto, Japan
(There is a separate charge for this)
Monthly Learning Fees
Training takes place in the Dojo.
Learning takes place online in our Library.
These fees are not based on attendance at the Dojo only - as just as much learning is taking place online now, which can be accessed at any time and this trend will continue into the future.
The learning fee is therefore based on content provided for training in the Dojo, complemented by content available online, including text, audio, pictures and video, only to those who pay this fee, who will have automatic access to the Library by unique password only.
These fees are due on the first day of each month, and are variable from year to year.
All fees are paid initially by bank transfer and then by Monthly Standing Order or Direct Debit
We pride ourselves in trying to provide the very best tuition for all of our members at all times.
Budokan confers its grades and ranks onto its exponents of Japanese Budo disciplines that it teaches, in much the same way as the Classical Bujutsu Menkyo system operated and still found in some Ryu in Japan today.
Gradings radings do not take place as a form of a test on a given day.
Budokan “gradings” take place each and every time a student comes to train in the dojo by peer review, where things like attitude, respect, loyalty, courtesy, diligence, compassion and attendance are all closely observed.
Grades are awarded annually duriing the last Workshop of each year and when required at courses such as Workshops that take place throughout each year.
Kyu Grades - Mudansha - All ranks below Black Belt are awarded verbally and result in the student being recognised for the progress made up to Dan Grade rank.
All students start out wearing a white belt, then move up to green belt and on to brown belt in recognition of the progress being made.
At the appropriate time the student will be invited to prepare for their Shodan or First Black Belt one year in advance of taking this grading.
Students who have had previous experience in Budo may be asked to prepare for their Shodan or First Black Belt, if approved of by the Shihankai or Senior Dan Grade members or officers of the Dojo.
In the first instance, the training schedule is applied to four elements.
Zanshin – literally translated as “the observation of the opponent or situation before, during and after the execution of the technique”.
Waza – the technical ability in the performance of technique. It is part of Zanshin and includes posture, stance, strength, stamina and flexibility.
Aite no keiko – Partner Practice.
The ability to function with a partner incorporating Zanshin and Waza.
Koko no keiko – Individual Practice.
The ability to express Zanshin and Waza on one’s own.
In the second instance the grading considers the individual’s:-
attendance record
contribution to the dojo
personal character
Dan Grades - Yudansaha
All eligible Kyu grade students are allowed to take their Black Belt Dan Grades by invitation only under the same peer review process.
Budokan will only award its coveted Black Belt in Budo to those who have accomplished an advanced level in Karate, Aikido and Iaido.
Budokan only provides certification for Dan Grades and these certificates are awarded once a year at the annual end of year Workshop, which takes place in early December.
Black Belt or Shodan certified students will be invited to wear the hakama as part of their dojo apparel, which makes them instantly recognisable as a Dan Grade.
All Dan Grades are eligible to be registered with the Dai Nippon Butokukai (DNBK) in Kyoto, Japan by discipline - as recommended by Budokan.
There is a charge from the DNBK for this accreditation.
Further guidelines for Dan Grade holders
Dan means step.
So holding a 1st Dan is simply the first step along the journey.
It is the base camp and not the smmit of the mountain of a lifetime dedication to training, so often depicted as just that in the West.
In Japan, it is simply a step from nothing to something on the lowest rung of the Dan Grade ladder.
In Japan you will need to have the rank of Godan - 5 Dan - before you are recogised as having devoted many years to training.
Recmmendation is based on years of training, skill prowess, accmplishments, dedication and service, teaching and instruction and excellence in personal character.
It is important that all students have the correct clothing and equipment in order to practice traditional Japanese Budo safely.
Budokan adopts a "No Gi - No Training" rule.
You will need a white Gi to practise - see below.
You will not be allowed to practice without one.
For the forst month of training Budokan can provide new members with a Gi to wear at no charge.
Just let us know and we will arrange one for all new members without a Gi.
After the first month, new members will be required to buy their own Gi.
This equipment can be ordered through Budokan via Nine Circles - a UK based importer, who we recommend for all equipment for beginners and new students.
We have a discount arrangement in place with them for our members.
Please ask for further information.
Click any of the three llinks below, to view the exact recommended items for all new members and beginners.
Aikido Gi - Intermediate 500g Sashiko Ori
All these gi have been preshrunk -
but on a hot wash and dryer -
there is a little further shrinkage.
Height Chart
Feet/InchesCm Feet/InchesCm
5’ 2”1603 5’ 9”1805
5’ 4”1653.5 6’ 0”1855.5
5’ 55”1704 6’ 2”1906
5’ 7”1754.5 6’ 5”1956.5
Within the first three months all new members will need
to buy a wooden sword (bokken) and staff (jo) for training purposes.
Shiro Kashi White Oak Bokken
Product Code Daito
Includes Tsuba and Dome
Shiro Kashi White Oak Jo
Total length 127cm
2.5cm in diameter
Product code – Jo
Budokan is a member of the Nine Circles Giri discount
scheme on mpst of their clothing and equipment.
If yoiu are a member of Budokan and wish to benefit from
discounts on offer - just email us and we will send y
iou our username and passward.
You can then buy direct.