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1960 - 2022


The classical budo, or "martial ways" are not combat systems like their forerunner, bujutsu,or "martial arts"; nor are they sports like modern judo, kendo, or karate.They are first and foremost spiritual disciplines, whose ultimate goal, achieved throughthe most rigorous mental and physical training, is self-realization in the tradition of Zen Buddhism

Donn F. Draeger

Classical Budo


16.04.46 - 23.10.24​

Date for your Calendar
Saturday 29th March – Training Seminar
2.30 to 4.30pm

Lymington Dojo

for more information email:




A Misogi is an ancient Japanese Shinto purification ritual that involves washing the body and is also a method for personal development and transformation. A traditional Misogi usually involved standing under a freezing waterfall to cleanse the mind and the body of the participants.

Thankfully, the modern approach involves challenging oneself to do something difficult even if you are not guaranteed to succeed. The Misogi challenge is about doing something tough once a year that shapes how you will live the rest of your 364 days.

On 7th December 2024 the members of Budokan UK came together to prepare for the coming year and to celebrate the life of Saisho Passmore by engaging in a Misogi which Sensei Mike designed together with the Shihonkai. Significantly the date was chosen by Saisho who had intended that this would be the Budokan year end event. At the opening of the Misogi Sensei Mike welcomed the attendees and family members and reminded us that although this was a somber occasion it was also a joyous one which provided the members the opportunity to salute Saisho’s achievements and to mourn his passing.










What was most impressive was that the event was attended by twenty practitioners as well as other passed members who did not participate in the misogi. All who attended could only be impressed with the manner with which Mike attended to his management of the misogi.


In preparation for the Misogi, Kyoshi Darren prepared the Kamidana which was much admired by all those who attended.  Its central position on the dojo floor made this the focus of us all. To spiritually cleanse the dojo Kyoshi Darren performed two Iaido kata which Saisho would have been proud of.




​Sensei Mike reminded us that Saisho began each year with the test of a thousand cuts so naturally, after the cleansing kata, the Misogi started with that test. Doing a thousand cuts with a bokken is no mean feat and certainly challenged us all. Some of the senior citizens had to take a break during the exercise.


​Just watching the practitioners, you could see the concentration etched on their faces. One need only look at Pat Miller to see what I mean.


At the end of the exercise, it was traditional to have the exhausted members hold their bokken on their arms stretched out. Saisho also used to bring along a very heavy bokken and, as was his practice, he would choose someone to hold the heavy bokken out in front of them (usually Keith) so it was great to see that sensei Mike keeping up that tradition and bestowing that honor on Keith again this time around.

It was great to have Joe Braconi with us, he having travelled all the way from Edinburgh to attend. We look forward to having him regularly attend down in Lymington and he has promised to do so again later this year.



​After the thousand cuts Sensei Mike, Toby Mellows, Paul Floyd and James Bryden demonstrated one of Saisho’s kata for the members after which Sensei Mike demonstrate a Bunkai from the kata which the members practiced.

Sensei Mike and Shihan Toby went on to demonstrate 3 Bunkai from the Kata, which they went on to work with all the students.

We continued with a 20 minute Zazen which was very important to Saisho.

(to come a couple of articles that This was published within the 4th edition of Hanshi Hamada's book Quintessence of Japanese Classical Martial Arts).

It was with great pleasure that James Bryden was award his Nidan Certificate. James was the last student to be assessed by Saisho who determined that he qualified to be elevated to his second Dan grade.

​At the end of the misogi the Kamidana was dismantled and Saisho’s katana was handed back to Katy Passmore for safe keeping. She is a member of Budokan and serves on the Shihankai and will keep the katana.


​Part of the misogi ritual is the requirement that the dojo is again cleansed, and Kyoshi Darren very kindly performed the closing Iaido cleansing kata for us. This was a very moving ceremony and is followed by the spreading of salt around the dojo.




The evening was concluded by a curry a great gathering at The Chequer’s in Lymington.

Many story’s and laughter were shared by old and new members of the Budokan family.


There are a few students that for unforeseen reasons were unable to attend the event but were keen to be there in spirit, Peter Robinson, Hilary Crundwell and Nicky Charnick. Let’s hope we will see you all in June!


We will be holding A Flag Ceremony on June 21st 2025 – it is the flag that will be given to Saisho’s family from the DNBK.

For more information email:


Sensei Mike Clapham

Kyoshi Darren Waghorne


Pat Miller

Keith Molyneux


Kyoshi Peter Bush and Sensei Joe Bracone

Richard Cozens, Steve Hill, James Bryden, Nick Singleton


Sensei Mike and James Bryden


Kyoshi Darren 

We were also very privileged to have several of the original members of Budokan in attendance. Pat Miller, and Roy Estabrook and Paul Smith.

We were very privileged to have Saisho’s children in attendance. Duncan, Caroline and Tilly Passmore


2025 is upon us


Despite 2024 being a difficult year for the club, we are moving forward in the spirit drilled into us by Saisho Passmore.


We have several weekend, one day events planned. These are open to all current and former Budokan members who wish to attend. So dig out your Gi, dust off your weapons and join us on the mat. There will be the usual social gatherings at a local venue after each of the dates.


Please keep an eye on the website for any updates, emails will be sent confirming dates and weapon requirements for each session.


Saturday 29th March – Training Seminar


June 21st – Flag Ceremony & Training with Guest Teachers, a Celebration of Saisho.


Saturday 20th September – Training Seminar


Saturday 6th December – Training, Gradings and Annual Budokan Christmas Do!

There are weekly classes at Lymington Dojo with Sensei Mike Clapham

Wednesday and Friday from 7.30pm to 8.30pm 

If you are interested please email with the address below.

for more information email:


We have found that the Sensei's Tips section we launched a good while back now - where does the time go? using local dojo created quite a bit of interest. - So we thought we would post some existing content on various pages highlighted across the site in various locations for all to enjoy.

And who better to start this section off, but our good friend of over 35 years now - Kyoshi David Ansell 7 Dan or Chichidan.

He accompanied a Budokan team to kyoto in 2008 where we all took part in a World Butokusai staying in a beautiful hotel overlooking this magnificent city.

Saisho and Kyoshi Ansell shared a room for 2 weeks and they are still friends to this day.

As you will find elsewhere on this site David Ansell helped to host a traditional Open Japanese event with Budokan in Buxton 2011, which was a great success.

Toby doing some solo Kata training in Lymington Dojo

Toby and Keith doing some Kumitachi training


We publish news stories, schoLarly articles and academic papers

from Aikido to Zen in all things Traditional Japanese Budo,

that we hope will be of interest to both teacher and student alike.

All articles and papers will first appear here on the Homepage.

After that they will be posted on the Budo Research page under the name of the discipline or context.

When a single discipline reaches 12 or more articles or papers it will be given its own page.

All papers are the responsibility of each individual author and do not necessarily reflect the views of

Just click on any of the links below to read more.


Basic Karate Blocking techniques and Deflections.

A quick run through of some Aikido Basics

Basic Karate Striking techniques

Basic Aikido wristwork and handling the Bokken



Meditation has been shown to offer many benefits.

Although it’s well known as a technique to reduce stress and anxiety, research shows that it may also help enhance your mood, promote healthy sleep patterns, and boost cognitive skills.

Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.

This article reviews 12 health benefits of meditation - more...



First they published A Short History of Karate.

Now Michael Cowie and Robert Dyson are soon to publish another little gem this year.

Budokan has been given a glimpse of their work and you can too by clicking on the image below.

And its not that little either!




The Yushinkan


There are few martial artists in history who have been able to influence an entire generation of politicians, military personnel, police, educators, and civilians alike.  Who’s student’s (if only for a day) talked about their experiences with him in detail nearly seventy years after his death.  The first San-Dou-no-Hanshi  in history. The “God of Kendo”  ( Nakayama Hakudo.

© David Passmore 2022

Site criado e construído por

David e Katy Passmore

Todos os direitos reservados em todas as mídias

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Forte na mão, bondoso no coração

Kokoro ni Tsuyoi te

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