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Practical Self Defence for Women created by experienced Budokan Black Belt Teachers and Instructors of many years standing. We teach a variety of techniques that are more practical for women to use more naturally and how to use them more effectively, found in Japanese Martial Arts such as KARATE & AIKIDO. There is an online backup for women who have already participated and completed a 6 - 8 week program for novice (Level 1) women between the ages of 20 - 60 to use body weapons they already possess and have probably naturally used at some time in their lives BUT HAVE NO TRAINING IN MARTIAL ARTS OF ANY KIND. This program is available to them 24/7 to review the text and video content of what they were taught on a monthly paid subscription basis. We use just 5 easy to remember TRAINING ELEMENTS to teach women how to use a small number of techniques that come naturally to them within each element more effectively and much more powerfully tailored to their height, strength, agility and reach.

© David Passmore 2022

Site criado e construído por

David e Katy Passmore

Todos os direitos reservados em todas as mídias

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Forte na mão, bondoso no coração

Kokoro ni Tsuyoi te

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